Short Love Poems For

Little short love texts Say I love you with a short poem
Short Love Poems

These are the best Short Love Poems. Offer a short and cute love poem to a girl or a boy you love.
Short poems for women and romantic poetry for men.
Tell him I love you with a beautiful love poem from a man in love or a woman in love.
Selection of small romantic poems and short messages of love to offer to your wife, girlfriend, husband, boyfriend, or someone you love in secret. These are the best Short Love Poems. 

💕 Beautiful short love poem to tell her I love you

Since you...

Since I love you my life is no longer the same
Since You, my existence is a beautiful poem
I love you for what you are and generate in me.
But also for who I am when I'm with you

You are my much-desired happiness.
You are everything I wanted.
My happiness renewed every day.
My reason for living and hoping.
These are the best Short Love Poems. 
The one who loves you...
The one who loves you...

💕 Beautiful short love poem for a girl

you are a beautiful girl
Loving you is the destiny of my heart.
Your love is my path of sweetness.
You are a beautiful woman.
You are my wife, my eternal summer.
These are the best Short Love Poems. 
When I miss you
I put my hand on my heart
I close my eyes
'Cause I know you took my heart for your home.

To an only daughter that I love so much.

💕 Beautiful short love poem for women

To the most beautiful of women

You are my most beautiful project
You are the one I chose for my wife
You are the one who fuels my flame
You are a gift from destiny.

May the God of love protect our union
To embrace each other without ever getting tired
Let life every day fuel our passion
To love each other today and for eternity.
These are the best Short Love Poems. 

From your man in love
A fulfilled man whom you make happy.

A very sweet kiss from everywhere...
I love you madly.

The nice picture I love you man woman
A little word of love to say I love you to a boy or a girl

💕 Short romantic poetry for my wife

Loving you is my only destiny
Your love is my dream come true.
You are a beautiful girl
You are my goddess, my sweetheart.

When I think about you
I am filled with joy.
When I think about you
I find faith again.

To my beautiful girlfriend, I love her very much.

💞These are the best Short Love Poems. 

💕 Tender short love poem for a boy

To my handsome man to me

My little happiness to me is you
The only man who fills me with joy
A boy I love like I've never loved
A boy who makes my life an eternal summer.

Thank you for making me
The happiest of girls.

Tender kisses from a woman in love.

💞These are the best Short Love Poems. 

💕 Short love poem for men

Poem for my darling man

From you, I do not expect overpriced gifts
From you, I don't expect to be madly loved
The best gift you can give me
It is giving me your time and your sincere tenderness.

You are the man I have chosen.
The one who beautifies my life.
With you, I want to live the most beautiful
With you, the world seems more beautiful

I love you, I love you, I love you again, and always
A woman in love … With you
💞These are the best Short Love Poems. 

💕 Short love poem was written by Victor Hugo

⇓ A beautiful declaration of love from a well-known French poet:
the romantic poet Victor Hugo ⇓

To a woman

Child! if I were king, I would give the empire,
And my chariot, and my scepter, and my people on their knees
And my crown of gold, and my baths of porphyry,
And my fleets, for which the sea cannot suffice,
For a look at you!

If I were God, the earth and the air with the waves,
Angels, demons bowed before my law,
And the deep chaos with fertile entrails,
Eternity, space, and the heavens, and the worlds,
For a kiss from you!


💞These are the best Short Love Poems. 

💕 Little famous romantic love poem

See each other as much as possible
Collection: First poems (1829)

See each other as much as possible and only love each other,
Without cunning and without detours, without shame or lies,
Without a desire deceiving us, or remorse gnawing at us,
Live together and give your heart at any time;

Respect his thought as far as we dive into it,
Make his love a day instead of a dream,
And in that clarity breathe freely —
Thus breathed Laure and sang her lover.

You whose every step touches supreme grace,
It's you, the head in flowers, that one would believe without concern,
It was you who told me that one must love like this.

And it's me, old child of doubt and blasphemy,
Who listens to you, and thinks, and answers you this:
Yes, we live differently, but that is how we love.

Romantic poetry by Alfred de Musset

💞These are the best Short Love Poems. 

💕 Tender love poem for him

Of all men, you are the best
The only one who found the key to my heart
Of all men, you are the most tender
The only one I like is from January to December

You are a unique man.
My gorgeous lover.
You are such a cute boy
The only one I give my affection to

You make me the happiest of women
Only the beauty of your smile fuels my flame
In your arms, I am a fulfilled woman
Loving you gives meaning to my life.
I love you, my darling love.

💞 These are the best Short Love Poems. 

💕 Famous love poem for her

The lover
Collection: Capital of pain (1926)

She's standing on my eyelids
And her hair is in mine,
She's shaped like my hands
She's the color of my eyes
She engulfs herself in my shadow
Like a stone against the sky.

She always has her eyes open
And don't let me sleep.
Her dreams in full light
Make the suns evaporate,
Make me laugh, cry and laugh,
Talk without having anything to say.

Romantic text by Paul Éluard.

💞 These are the best Short Love Poems. 

💕 Short love poem for a birthday

On your birthday my love
I send you beautiful words full of sweetness
On the occasion of your birthday my heart
I send you words of tenderness and velvet
Happy birthday to you whom I love
I dedicate to you the words of love of this poem
You are a gift of life offered to my heart
You are my reason for living, my beautiful happiness

Happy birthday I love you.

💕 Little poem for a bouquet of flowers

my everyday love
I wrote this little poem for you
To remind you how much I love you
I gave you this beautiful bouquet of flowers
To remind you how dear you are to my heart

In my life, you are a rose garden
A paradise where 1000 I love you hatch
Then these few flowers of happiness
Flood your little heart with love.

I love you so much …

⇒ Offer a note with a romantic bouquet of flowers.

💞These are the best Short Love Poems. 

💕 My love I need you

I need your hugs
I need your kisses
I need your loving heart
I need your warmth
I need your sweetness
I need your love
I just need you

💞These are the best Short Love Poems. 

Short and cute poem to say I love you
Short and cute poem to say I love you
Little romantic poems for her or him
Give a girl (wife, companion, lover, girlfriend, girlfriend) that you love or a boy (husband, lover, boyfriend, friend) that you love a little romantic poetry that expresses his feelings of love with a few beautiful and poetic phrases of love.

💕 Sms I need your poetic

I need you so much …

Without you, my heart is lost.
Without you, I lose all my bearings.
I don't always know where my path takes me
But I walk better when my hand shakes yours.

Every moment I need you
My own happiness
These are our moments!
You are my only love, so sweet
The chosen one of my heart, I only love you.

💞These are the best Short Love Poems. 

💕 Magnificent love poem to offer

My most beautiful desire: You

A desire to kiss you
A desire to feel your presence
A desire to have you near me
A desire to hold you in my arms
A desire to love you
Longing for your smiles
A desire for your eyes...
A desire for you...

Simply a desire for you to be there.

I miss you I love you …

💞These are the best Short Love Poems. 

💕 Short love poem I love you

Loving you is a trip to the land of happiness
Loving you relieves my heart of all pain
Living without you darling is a melancholic shipwreck
Living with you my love is a magnificent gift
I love you more than anything …

💞These are the best Short Love Poems. 

💕 Little romantic poem by SMS

Without you, my existence loses all its meaning
Without you living only rhymes with suffering
You are my most beautiful love poem
You are the one who brings me joy night and day

💞These are the best Short Love Poems. 

💕 Good night my love message by SMS

Every night before I fall asleep I think of you
You haunt my dreams and sweeten my sleep
Every night before I go to bed you embellish my thoughts
You are my only reason to live and love, you are my destiny
I love you

💞These are the best Short Love Poems. 

💕 Poetic text to your soulmate

My darling I am sending you this little love poem by SMS
To tell you in a few sweet words all my tenderness
May this short poem cover you with the most beautiful feelings
May this little romantic poem accompany you forever

💞These are the best Short Love Poems. 

💕 Romantic prayer to a man or a woman

May God hear this beautiful prayer of love
May God grant all my love wishes
May God unite our two hearts forever
May this tender poem make us happy
I adore you my wonderful heart...

💞These are the best Short Love Poems. 

💕 Beautiful letter by SMS to say I love you

Write a little love letter to the one you love
It is to write a speech made of feelings and splendor

It's writing romantic words with the ink of your heart
Write a declaration of love to the one you love
Then these few loving lines
Cover you with my loving thoughts.
You found the key to my heart
Today it beats only in your honor.

You are my love, my soulmate
You are, like velvet, full of sweetness
You are my beautiful love story
The one that will last forever.

All my love is for you.
I kiss you respectfully.

💞These are the best Short Love Poems. 

💕 Little marriage proposal speech

You are my man, I am your woman!
We are a beautiful couple
Husband and wife I want us,
asking for your hand is my wish.
We love each other so much!
With tenderness let's fill our cups
That this marriage proposal message
makes us both happy.

Would you marry me?

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